Brazil Custom Trek 2022: Amazon Jungle


IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a private trek. Contact Tricia Donaldson for more information.

Brazil Trek

The expedition begins in Recife, the capital of the state of Pernambuco, and one of the largest and most important cities on the northeastern coast of Brazil. Famous for its beautiful beaches, many rivers, small islands and over 50 bridges in the city center, it is often called the "Brazilian Venice". Recife will be a great starting point for this adventure where we will work to improve the lives of children from a local children's home.

Our Work

Our group of Trekkers will spend 3 days with the children from a local children's home in Recife. We will spend time getting to know the children, playing games, improving their home, taking them on a field trip. and celebrating our time together with food, music, and dancing.

Brazil Trek

Our Adventure

After we complete our work in Recife we will fly to Manaus where our 4-day jungle adventure begins. We will travel by van and then boat to the confluence of two of the worlds greatest rivers, the Rio Negro and the Amazon. We will then continue on to our accommodations for the next 3 nights in the jungle.

Please contact Tricia Donaldson, Director of Operations, for more information.

Expedition Costs

Group Size: maximum of 12 Trekkers

Expedition Dates: October 1-8, 2022 (Please note: dates listed are the arrival and departure dates to Recife/from Manaus)

Price for Expedition: $2,075

Fundraising Commitment: $1,000
tax-deductible donations for projects at children's home


• 4-day guided Amazon jungle adventure
• TFK trip leader
• 3 nights accommodation in jungle lodge
• 3 nights hotel with breakfast (double occupancy) in Recife
• 1 night accommodation in Manaus
• All meals in Amazon
• Some meals in Recife
• Transportation to and from the children's home in Recife
• Flight to Manaus
• Activities with the children including, a field trip and party
• TFK t-shirt and luggage tags

Not Included

• Airfare to Brazil (Recife arrival, Manaus departure)
• A few meals
• Tips for local guides
• Airport transportation
• Travel insurance
• Alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, bottled water

Expedition Requirements

• 18+
• Good health
• Physically fit
• Willing to raise minimum $1000 for projects at the children's home

3 Step Process

1. Apply • Fill out the online application
• Pay $500 deposit ($50 non-refundable)

2. Prepare • Read Information and Fundraising Packet from TFK
• Start a training regimen if not already exercising regularly
• Fundraise for the projects
• Gather all necessary gear for the Trek
• Pay remaining Expedition fees
• Arrange flights

3. Experience • Arrive in-country and meet your TFK group leaders and fellow Trekkers.
• Enjoy a trip of a lifetime!

We are committed to supporting you every step of the way, both before and during your Expedition.

Click here to read about TFK’s Registration and Cancellation Policies.

Sample itinerary

Download Schedule here.

Gear List

Coming Soon

Background Information

Fundraising Resources

After signing up for an Expedition, Trekkers receive a Fundraising Kit, and access to the Trekker Resource Center, with online tips and tools to help you succeed.

TFK Brochures • brief version of the website in printed form
• great introduction to TFK for your donors

Personal Fundraising Page
• solicit donations on your page
• set fundraising goals
• track progress in real time
• upload photos
• post messages to donors

Other Resources • Ideas for raising your $1000 minimum
• form letters to help you get started
• fundraising logs
• receipts and forms
• project flyer

Contact our Director of Operations, Tricia Donaldson, for more information.

Brazil Custom Trek 2022

Expedition Dates: October 1-8, 2022 (in-country dates)
Trip Cost: $2,075
Days: 7
Group Size: 12
Our Work: Children's Home
Fundraising Commitment: $1,000
tax-deductible donations for the projects
Activity Level: moderate


Select a Trekker‘s name below to visit their personal fundraising page. Help them reach their goal by making a donation today.


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Last updated April 14, 2014