Albania/Slovenia Trek 2024: Julian Alps


Adventure with TFK to both Albania and Slovenia! Experience the beauty of Albania by the sea and trek through spectacular landscapes of towering peaks, waterfalls, rushing rivers and clear and pristine mountain lakes in Slovenia.

Our Work

We start our expedition in Albania where we will spend three days with the children at a children's home in the seaside town of Durres. We will be completing an improvement project at their home and sharing gifts, games, and fun. After our time with the children we depart for Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia for the start of our trek.



For the next five days we will be trekking through the jewel of the Alps! Tucked in corner of eastern Europe and bordered by Italy, Austria, and Croatia, Slovenia is a trekkers paradise.

We begin our trek at enchanting Lake Bled where we will spend the night in a hotel before starting our hut to hut trek the next day. Daily hikes average 5-6 hours, with approximately 2300 ft elevation gain each day. An optional climb of Mt. Triglav with harness and climbing gear will thrill every adventure seeker (no climbing experience needed)! Those wishing not to climb will have a relaxing morning in the stunning Alps setting.

We spend 3 nights in basic, dormitory style huts, high on the mountain slopes. Meals and bedding are provided and we will carry our own minimal clothing and personal items during the hut to hut trek. Our luggage will be stored in the hotel in Bovec for our arrival after the huts. After a night in Bovec, trekkers will either take a transfer to the airport in Venice or Ljubljana to fly home. Or join us for a 4 day optional add on to an exciting destination. Location TBA soon!

We require that all Trekkers be in good physical condition. Trekkers must be able to hike for several hours non-stop, carrying a 10-15 pound daypack. It’s important that a good physical conditioning program be undertaken at least three months before departure.

Please contact Tricia Donaldson, Director of Operations, for more information.


Expedition Costs

Group Size: maximum of 16 Trekkers

September 13-23, 2024 (Please note: dates listed are the arrival date to Ljubljana and departure dates from Venice or Ljubljana (TBD which location)

Price for Expedition: $2850

Fundraising Commitment: min. $1000 (tax-deductible donations for projects)

Included • TFK in-country guides
• 4 day guided Trek by local trekking company
• Flight from Albania to Slovenia
• 3 nights basic mountain hut accommodation on Trek in shared dormitories
• 3 nights hotel (double occupancy) in Slovenia
• 4 nights hotel (double occupancy) in Albania
• Most meals
• All ground transportation, except airport pick-up in Albania.
• City bike tour in Ljubljana
• Lake Bled activities
• Activities with the children at our selected site
• TFK t-shirt and luggage tags

Not Included • Airfare to Tirana, Albania and return from either Venice, Italy or Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Optional summit climb of Mt. Triglav (fee for mountain guide)
• Tips for local trekking team
• Travel insurance with emergency evacuation
• Several meals
• Alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, bottled water, and incidentals

Expedition Requirements

• 18 years or older
• Good health
• Physically fit
• Willing to raise minimum $1000 of tax-deductible donations for orphanage projects

3 Step Process

1. Apply • Fill out the online application (link will be provided with invitation)
• Pay $500 deposit ($50 non-refundable)

2. Prepare • Read Information and Fundraising Packet from TFK
• Start a training regimen if not already exercising regularly
• Fundraise for projects at school
• Gather all necessary gear for the Trek
• Pay remaining Expedition fees
• Arrange flights

3. Experience • Arrive in-country.
• Enjoy a trip of a lifetime!

We are committed to supporting you every step of the way, both before and during your Expedition.

Click here to read about TFK’s Registration and Cancellation Policies.

Fundraising Resources

After signing up for an Expedition, Trekkers receive a Fundraising Kit, and access to the Trekker Resource Center, with online tips and tools to help you succeed.

Personal Fundraising Page
• solicit donations on your page
• set fundraising goals
• track progress in real time
• upload photo
• post messages to donors

Other Resources • Ideas for raising your $1000 minimum
• form letters to help you get started
• fundraising logs
• receipts and forms
• project flyer

Contact our Director of Operations, Tricia Donaldson, for more information.

Albania/Slovenia Trek 2024

Expedition Dates: September 13-23, 2024 (in-country dates)
Days: 11
Trip Cost: $2850
Fundraising Commitment: $1000 in tax-deductible donations for projects
Activity Level: Moderately Difficult


Select a Trekker‘s name below to visit their personal fundraising page. Help them reach their goal by making a donation today.


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Albania/Slovenia Trek 2024September 13-23, 2024

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Bhutan Trek 20252025 Dates TBA

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Last updated April 14, 2014